Today was just like yesterday. Wretched!
Was it morning, evening or was it midnight...? I didn't care. I wouldn't be even sure about when did I have my last meal.
At 28 years, working in an asset management firm, I had everything in my life that money could buy. Yet had nothing that a life needed. All alone at 2AM at my workspace, I kept clicking the mouse. Mind wandered far away....but eyes transfixed to the screen of my laptop.
I force myself to shut down my laptop. I never carry work home. That was a promise I had to keep. I slid the laptop into the pedestal and locked it.
I stride out of my floor, brooding, as always. The security personnel on duty tonight was an old guard, I smile at him and wave him a good night. Perhaps, that was the only time I smiled in last week or so.
Lifts at work places are generally like taxi cabs in Mumbai or New York city. You never find one when you need one. But at this ghostly hour, they are not much in demand.
I quickly get to the basement and revved up my black outlander. Coming out of the parking lot, at the exit, taking a left would set my path towards home. But, I choose to take a right. I speed up, windows brought down. Wind gushing in and with my hair flying, I feel no different about the day or my life. Wretched! That's what both are.
These are familiar paths.....ones that I have rode on so many times before. At this hour of the day, you have places where you get piping hot tea. These are the road side vendors on bicycles or mopeds or small shacks. You wouldn't find them plenty in number. They always operate in a constant fear of police on night patrol harassing them.
Common thing about these places are, they would always have customers. Soon, I find one of the places I frequent, open. I park my car.
There were 4 guys, 3 bikes, seemingly IT nerds, smoking and having tea.
There was a red indica cab parked, odd color for an indica. And there was a sumo and a tavera. Both white in color, cabs. One of the cabs was playing the song "Aap ki kashish...."
The 3 cab drivers were having their tea near their vehicles.
I ask for 2 cups of tea.
As I sip the tea, I overhear the nerds discussing about one of the latest movie; to be precise, the actress in the movie.
It was a balmy night. Wasn't exactly a cold night.
I sip my cup of tea and watch vehicles zoom by on the road. The streetlight above me flickered and I looked up. The night sky looked darker.
The moon was bright yellow, with grey velvety clouds all around it. It was as beautiful as an oil painting, at the same time had a sense of melancholy about it.
Having finished the 1st cup, I quietly and slowly reach out for the 2nd cup of tea. Did my hand tremble? I didn't care.
She came from a place where people loved coffee more than tea. Perhaps because they grew a lot of coffee there. She loved coffee. Yet, she would always insist to have a cup of tea with me. I am a tea person.
She wasn't here tonight with me to have her share of tea.
It's been a month now. I still order two cups of tea.