Sunday, June 8, 2008


Life goes on....and we live by that adage.....
but then there will be a day when the life stops....A day just for yourself...a day which will be exclusively for you and there will be no one to steal it from you, there will be no one there to stop you or call you back and be there for you...

It will be just you, you and you....mmmm.........just a thought guyz......

But, then isnt it a fact that we r all running... and just living on a fast lane...and we are rarely giving a thought to what is happening to us....???

how much ever fast or high we go...we must always have this realization that there will be a day that will slow us down and just push the brakes on you....there will be a day when you will come down from the heights u wer at...

If there will be such a day in each one of our lives then...why are we not slowing down...and try living a life our way....not the way world is living it......and the fact is that that day is inevitable.

what ever moment we get between our first and the last breath...why cant we live those moments and be true to ourselves each moment we are there....

being true to ourselves is not being a sathya harishchandra.....being true to ourselves is to be what we actually like to be and do what we would like to do......

why do have to study the complex equations and theorms and those principles laid out by a person long before us???
why are we forced to study a fixed syllabus and get ourselves prepared for a so called "exam"??

are these theorms and formulae going to come to ur rescue when u r drowning???
Would these equations and priciples come to ur help when the brakes of ur car has failed....???

I have wondered this many a times....... if we were nt taught that Earth is round and if we were not taught abt the universe.....would we have had the interest to explore and understand tehse facts ourselves???

in the same way if we were not taught abt the various phenomenons in physics and chemistry...would we have by our effort discovered those???

in all my counter answering surprisingly I came up with a very big YES.....
we would have we would definitely have......

But the fact remains exosed in "Would"........we could have and would have.....
but not "we have"......

tragedy in our life is everything was prepared for us...we werent supposed to change anything..we were supposed to follow....just be one among many ....

and be happy by scoring better than the other person in a memort/mugging up test..... we showed no ingenuity.....we showed no creativity...we showed nothing new to the world....
we just reproduced the ideas of the greats from the past and based on our ability to reproduce ideas of others..we were classified as a bright, avg and below par human beings.....

life goes on.... yes so does the river ganga......the droplets of water have been following the same path from centuries...a path laid down by the first ever droplet from gangotri.................the pioneer droplet!!! hahahah.....

so friends..... think..what have you done in your life other than using ur brain to pass the "memort test" and in the process understanding the rules laid out in our nature and society???

what have you done that is genuinely your's????

isnt it time that you did some thing different from the rest...

may be you could take up paintings and draw u ur ideas..... may be you could take up pen and there could be a great literary piece flowing out.... u could carry out experiments on various phenomenons in chem, physi or bio..... in fact it is not you "could", it is you "can"........

the fact again is based on ur interest you can do a lot of creative and innovative stuffz.....
mind you these activity you carry out may not be a world altering events but then it definetly will be a life-altering event...
yes...your life!!!

think about it... yes, its when you think the ideas come out..... think about it.....

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